What Is Cookie Bite Hearing Loss?

Cookie bite hearing loss is also known as mid-range hearing loss. It gets its odd name from the fact that if you have mid-range hearing loss, your audiogram results will be shaped like the letter U as if someone took a bite out of it. Mid-range hearing loss means you struggle to hear mid-frequency sounds
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Hearing Matters at All Ages

It’s a common misconception that hearing loss only affects older people, when in fact it can impact you at any age. Unfortunately, this misconception is a barrier for many people who should seek treatment, as they are resistant to getting hearing aids, fearing that they’ll make them look “old.” Below we dispel myths about hearing
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Who to Turn to For Hearing Loss Help

Realizing you can’t hear like you used to can be an upsetting insight, especially if it comes after spending a lot on money on tickets to El Paso Symphony Orchestra. There are plenty of professionals to go to for help with this problem. But oftentimes, the number of options can be overwhelming, and figuring out
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Can Markers in the Body Help Detect Hearing Loss?

While figuring out a cure for hearing loss would be life changing for the more than 48 million Americans currently experiencing this condition, new research out of Massachusetts reminds us the importance of not putting the cart before the horse. Sometimes preliminary research needs to be conducted in order to point other researchers in the
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What Causes Pediatric Hearing Loss?

It’s important to identify and treat hearing loss in children right away. Untreated hearing loss in children has been shown to lead to delayed speech and language skills, learning problems in school, poor self-esteem and difficulty making friends. Below are some of the most common causes of pediatric hearing loss. Acquired Causes Acquired hearing loss
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October is Audiology Awareness Month

Hearing loss can be a confusing experience that leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated and isolated. October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means now is a great time to learn about life changes that can help make for a better tomorrow. Audiologists, including the experts at , can help identify hearing problems and recommend a treatment
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What to Know Before Your First Audiology Visit

Hearing loss is common; in fact, an estimated 48 million Americans experience the condition. Yet despite its prevalence, only about one in five people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them, and those who do wait an average of seven years to do so. We know that there are a lot of barriers
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What Is High-Frequency Hearing Loss?

High-frequency hearing loss is one of the most common types of hearing loss. If someone is diagnosed with high-frequency hearing loss, it means they have difficulty hearing sounds that are higher in pitch, like the sound of women’s and children’s voices. Anyone of any age can be affected by high-frequency hearing loss, but it is
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Protect Your Hearing This July Fourth

Firework shows are truly breathtaking, but can be dangerous if not conducted appropriately. States and counties regulate what fireworks can and can’t be used in certain areas in order to protect people and properties, but many don’t take seriously the danger fireworks pose to hearing. The Consequences of Unsafe Firework Use According to Leigh Ann
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Signs of Hearing Loss You May Be Ignoring

The most obvious sign of hearing loss is difficulty hearing. But since hearing loss is a progressive condition, meaning it develops slowly over time, you may not even realize you’re having trouble following the conversation until your hearing loss has progressed beyond an easily-treatable stage. Below are some other signs of hearing loss to look
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